Source code for cyanide.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import os
import signal
import sys

from time import sleep

from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

from .app import app

Retrying marker.delay().  It failed to start: {0}\

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]def marker(s, sep='-'): """Marker is a task that logs something to the worker logs. :param s: Text to log. """ print('{0}{1}'.format(sep, s)) while True: try: return _marker.delay(s, sep) except Exception as exc: print(E_MARKER_DELAY_ERROR.format(exc))
@app.task def _marker(s, sep='---'): print('{sep} {0} {sep}'.format(s, sep=sep)) @app.task def add(x, y): """Add two numbers.""" return x + y @app.task(bind=True) def ids(self, i): """Returns a tuple of ``root_id``, ``parent_id`` and the argument passed as ``i``.""" return self.request.root_id, self.request.parent_id, i @app.task(bind=True) def collect_ids(self, res, i): """Used as a callback in a chain or group where the previous tasks are :task:`ids`: returns a tuple of:: (previous_result, (root_id, parent_id, i)) """ return res, ids(i) @app.task def xsum(x): """Takes a list of numbers and returns the total.""" return sum(x) @app.task def any_(*args, **kwargs): """Task taking any argument, returning nothing. This is useful for testing related to large arguments: big values, an insane number of positional arguments, etc. :keyword sleep: Optional number of seconds to sleep for before returning. """ wait = kwargs.get('sleep') if wait: sleep(wait) @app.task def any_returning(*args, **kwargs): """The same as :task:`any` except it returns the arguments given as a tuple of ``(args, kwargs)``.""" any_(*args, **kwargs) return args, kwargs @app.task def exiting(status=0): """Task calling ``sys.exit(status)`` to terminate its own worker process.""" sys.exit(status) @app.task def kill(sig=getattr(signal, 'SIGKILL', None) or signal.SIGTERM): """Task sending signal to process currently executing itself. :keyword sig: Signal to send as signal number, default is :sig:`KILL` on platforms that supports that signal, for other platforms (i.e Windows) it will be :sig:`TERM`. """ os.kill(os.getpid(), sig) @app.task def sleeping(i, **_): """Task sleeping for ``i`` seconds, and returning nothing.""" sleep(i) @app.task def sleeping_ignore_limits(i, **_): """Task sleeping for ``i`` seconds, while ignoring soft time limits. If the task is signalled with :exc:`~celery.exceptions.SoftTimeLimitExceeded` the signal is ignored and the task will sleep for ``i`` seconds again, which will trigger the hard time limit (if enabled). """ try: sleep(i) except SoftTimeLimitExceeded: sleep(i) @app.task(bind=True) def retries(self, n=1, countdown=1, return_value=10): """Task that retries itself ``n`` times. :param n: Number of times to retry. :param n: Seconds to wait (``int``/``float``) between each retry (default is one second). :param return_value: Value to return when task finally succeeds. Default is 10 (don't ask, I guess it's a random true value). """ if not self.request.retries or self.request.retries < n: raise self.retry(countdown=countdown) return return_value @app.task def print_unicode(log_message='hå它 valmuefrø', print_message='hiöäüß'): """Task that both logs and print strings containing funny characters.""" logger.warning(log_message) print(print_message) @app.task def segfault(): """Task causing a segfault, abruptly terminating the process executing the task.""" import ctypes ctypes.memset(0, 0, 1) assert False, 'should not get here' @app.task(bind=True) def chord_adds(self, x): """Task that adds a new task to the current chord in a workflow.""" self.add_to_chord(add.s(x, x)) return 42 @app.task(bind=True) def chord_replace(self, x): """Task that replaces itself in the current chord.""" return self.replace_in_chord(add.s(x, x)) @app.task def raising(exc=KeyError()): """Task raising exception. :param exc: Exception to raise. """ raise exc @app.task def errback(request, exc, traceback): print('Task id {0!r} raised exception: {1!r}\n{2}'.format(, exc, traceback, )) @app.task def old_errback(task_id): print('Task id %r raised exception' % (task_id,)) @app.task def logs(msg, p=False): """Log a message to the worker logs. :keyword p: If set to :const:`True` the message will be printed instead of logged, thus being redirected to the stdout logger. """ print(msg) if p else